At the moment I teach on the elective courses Social work as mobilization and entrepreneurship and Social Policy in Europe. I also teach on the faculty doctoral course Innovation and Society. In 2013 I obtained the title Excellent Teaching Pracitioner (ETP). I am involved in the International Association of Schools of Social Work IASSW and a member of PowerUs.
I am the principal investigator of a research project funded by Formas. The project is called Scanian homes: Reception, settlement or rejection – homelessness policies and strategies for refugee settlement.
I am the principal investigator of a research project funded by FORTE called RECO: Resilient Communities by Sustainable Welfare Transformation
I am also currently working with a research project implementing Housing First in Sweden. My research interests include housing policy, homelessness and the importance of place for how social work is organized – its moral geography.
I am a member of CIRCLE and I coordinate the Centre for Public Sector Innovation.
I am a member of Urban Arena and I coordinate the focus area Social interaction, culture and consumption
I am a member of the research group Profession and Organisation at the School of Social Work. I am also a member of The Nordic Network of Homelessness Research and a member of The European Network of Housing Research - ENHR.
I am also a member of Universitas 21 Social Work Community of Practice.